Septic System FAQs

Clean. Prompt. Professional.
Worker working on septic tank

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, more than one in five households in the United States depend on septic systems to treat their wastewater.

What is a septic tank?

A septic tank is a large container that is installed in the ground near your home. The tank or container is watertight and receives the wastewater from your household. A septic system typically consists of a septic tank and a drainfield, or soil absorption field.

What is the purpose of a septic system?

Septic systems are generally located in areas where there is no centralized sewer system. These systems hold wastewater and treat it through a combination of natural and mechanical methods that safely process waste. This entire process happens underground.

Most commonly septic systems are seen in rural areas.

What kind of septic systems are there?

There are many different types of septic systems to choose from. Contact a professional to help you decide what type of system best fits your needs.

Some of the most common types of septic systems NoCo Septic installs include:

  • Conventional septic systems

  • Gravity septic systems

  • Aerobic wastewater treatment septic systems

  • Low-pressure pipe septic systems

  • Evapotranspiration septic systems

  • Mound septic systems

  • Sand filter septic systems

Do I have a septic system?

If you are located in a rural area in Boulder, it is likely that your property already runs on a septic system.

You may have one if you use well water, your water line does not have a meter, you have no sewer charges on your water bill, and if your neighbors have a septic system.

What should I avoid putting down my septic system?

Your septic tank will last longer, if only human wastewater enters the tank, this includes sink water and toilet paper.

Although septic tanks can handle small amounts of biodegradable detergents, laundry soaps, kitchen wastes, and biodegradable household chemicals, you should prevent them from going into your tank.

How often should I have my septic tank pumped?

NoCo Septic recommends you have your septic tank pumped at least every three to five years.

Is there ever a time I may need an emergency pumping for my septic tank?

Emergency pumping is sometimes necessary. If and when you hear strange noises or smell unusual odors coming from your tank or plumbing systems, you should call to schedule a pumping right away to avoid any other major issues.

How long does a septic system last?

Your septic system won’t last forever, but parts of it can be replaced. Your septic tank’s lifespan varies depending on many different factors. It can last generally 15-40 years.

How can I tell my septic system needs to be inspected?

If you are noticing any of these signs, your system may need to be inspected.

  • Your drains flush slowly

  • You smell foul odors or raw sewage on your property

  • Pooling water

  • Your properties well water is contaminated

  • Dying plants or grass

Can septic tank fumes or smells be harmful?

Fumes from your septic tank can be a health hazard, if in high concentration for a prolonged period. Tanks produce sewer gases that can be toxic to human beings and also cause the greenhouse effect.

Where can my septic tank be placed?

The septic tank is usually underground, buried close to your home so it can be connected to your indoor plumbing by a sewer pipe.

What septic services does NoCo Septic offer?

Our family-operated company takes pride in providing quality septic services.

We offer both residential and commercial septic services. For residential septic we offer:

And for commercial septic, we offer:

Turn to NoCo Septic for all your residential and commercial septic needs in Boulder. You can reach us by calling us at (720) 513-5037 or by filling out our online contact form.